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What is JavaScript | Definition of the JavaScript

What Is JavaScript

What is JavaScript

JavaScript can be defined in many different ways. But, in my opinion, it is a multi-paradigm, high-level object-oriented programming language. Let’s go into deep in this just a little bit more to at least learn some sense about JavaScript. Starting with the definition of the programming language, The programming language is basically just a tool. That allows us or create the environment to write code that will instruct a computer to do something. That is the main goal of using the JavaScript programming language. For this, I define JavaScript as a high-level programming language. This means we don’t have to think about a lot of complex things such as computing the computer’s memory while it runs any programs or applications. So there are a number of so-called abstractions in JavaScript for all of these minor issues that we don't want to worry about. Make this programming language a lot easier to write and learn.

Following that, I define JavaScript as an object-oriented programming language. That is to say, the programming language is based mostly on the concept of objects for sorting most types of data.  Of course, we still learned all about object-oriented programming through this website.  Finally, JavaScript is also a multi-paradigm langue. That means the JavaScript is flexible and multipurpose for use in all kinds of different programming styles. Such as permissible and declarative programming language. These various styles are simply alternative ways of organizing our code.

The Role of JavaScript in Web Development

However, now that we know what is JavaScript actually. At the very least, what is the job of web development, or, in other words, what do we use it for? The answer to that question is actually looking at three core technology of the web, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These three programming languages combine to build stunning, interactive, and dynamic websites and web apps. It is responsible for the page's content. The contents, tables, sections, buttons, and all the elements that you see on a web page are always written or made in HTML. After then, the CSS is responsible for styling the content's display. It’s basically used for styling and for laying out the elements on a webpage. Then finally, Javascript is the real programming language in web development technology. Developers can use it to add dynamic interactive effects to any website. We also use it to modify the text or CSS styling, load data from remote servers, and develop whole web applications in web browsers. 

We may now utilize the analogy of nouns, adjectives, and verbs to help us understand this separation of roles. HTML, in this comparison, represents nouns. For example, the H element is heading and the heading is the noun here. The CSS is the adjective because it describes the noun. The CSS is the adjective because it describes or defines the noun that we know. In the end, JavaScript is the verb. Such as hiding the heading for the example.

JavaScript Twitter Example

Now we have talked a lot about dynamic effects and web applications. Let’s now actually take a look at a real example to make it more clear what JavaScript is capable of for web development. I will describe a very cool example. We know everybody more or less about Twitter. When we browse or use Twitter in our web browser sometimes it shows many rotating spinners on the webpage. That’s what we see in the above picture. It’s can be other many websites because this effect is using most of the webpage for loading the certain webpage. It happens most of the time when the internet speed is working slowly. The Javascript is probably loading or fetching the data from Twitter or other external web servers in the background, as indicated by the rotating spinning. When the data arrives at your web browser the JavaScript hides these all spinners. And instead, show us the loaded content. Like the above second picture. So this is a very easy example of manipulating styles and content for JavaScript. When we hit the tweet button on this Twitter page, we get a simpler dynamic effect. Which is the JavaScript that shows the tweet box or modal and then hides it when we click the tweet box outside. Javascript also displays this really nice user information with an attractive and interactive user interface, that we know when we use Twitter. So a lot of cool features or work going on here, it’s all happening only for the JavaScript.

You can do anything with JavaScript

Now we saw what JavaScript is really capable of, let’s quickly recap, and also look at other cool stuff that we can build with the power of JavaScript. JavaScript, as you may know, allows us to add dynamic effects to web pages. Even to build an entire web application in the web browser and these applications feel almost like the apps that we use on our computers and phones every single day. So we can say that JavaScript was play the main role in modern web development. If you have some knowledge or experience with web development technology. You probably know or hear about the Modern JavaScript libraries and frameworks like React, Angular, and VueJS. If you do not know about these, that’s absolutely no problem. Simply said, these are tools that enable creating current large-scale online apps easier and faster. What important now is that all of these frameworks and libraries are still 100% JavaScript-based. This means that you should master JavaScript before studying and using any of these frameworks, instead of jumping right into your first framework after learning a few lines of Javascript code. Also, your library of choice might not always be as popular as it is today. For this, the best way to be prepared is your guess it becoming really good in JavaScript. Because then you can easily learn whatever is popular next.

The JavaScript programming language and the web browser are totally two separate things. That means that JavaScript can also run outside of the web browsers. For example, using NodeJs, a web development platform, it is possible to run JavaScript on a web server. This does not need any browser to run. This allows us to create backend applications. Which are essentially web-based programs that interface with databases. On the other hand, we can create front-end web applications using JavaScript in the browser.

And now just to finish, I want to mention that we can actually also use JavaScript to build kind of native mobile applications as well as native desktop applications for any phone and any computer operating system (OS). This is possible with modern tools like React Native or like Electron. These have completely changed the whole web development technology over the last couple of years. Making things possible that were previously impossible. So, there is almost nothing that you can not build after becoming really good at JavaScript. If you think about it, It is really kind of mind-blowing. It's just awesome because the possibilities are so endless.

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